Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Story of A Local Community Outreach Project

Saturdays are my sleep-in days, but May 2 was a little different. Since I promised to photograph a community outreach project, I woke up early and arrived at the location in a timely manner.

California Landscape Contractors Association, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter was building a community garden at Bracher Elementary School in Santa Clara.  

The day would be described as gloomy because of the weather. However there was nothing gloomy about it. It was an inspiring, hard working day filled with energy and fun. 

People started signing in early in the morning. I did not know that I would memorize these faces by the end of the day. In fact, I wasn't even thinking of staying there all day, but things change. Their enthusiasm was contagious and I could not escape. 

The plans got reviewed. 

Allison Olsen is a local landscape designer and she designed this huge project. We belong to the same networking group called Country Club BNI. She is the one who recruited me to do this project.

And the work day started. Everyone knew what their part was.

In no time, a big crowd started working in a harmony.

Succulents were waiting to be planted. The idea was to go native and keep the water consumption at a minimum.

The tools got picked.

The breakfast was served. Thanks to the hard working parents of Bracher Elementary, it was a delicious feast: Fresh coffee, fruit, Jamba Juice, pastries, even toasted bagels..

The garden was bare.

The old got taken out.

And moved away.

The new was in.

With every kind of imaginable construction work.

A sculpture began to form.

And the assembly was completed in no time.

Beautiful concrete blocks would serve as seats for students I believe.

That was a successful limbo move.

There were young builders around, very eager to help and use the machines.

And younger...

And even younger.

The irresistible smell of the barbeque pointed out that the half of the build day was already over, not much completed work around to see yet.

The food was delicious and very much needed to supplement the energy required for this extremely demanding work. 

Here is the whole crew! I caught them right before they went back to work.

The trees got planted.

The shrubs put into the soil.

The nasturtiums surrounded the sculpture. I bet they are all grown by now, after about a month.

More trees, more shrubs, more perennials.

The cement bags were heavy.

Working on knees all day was hard on backs.

A few got hurt.

But boy, they all looked happy.

All kinds of material brought in.

They formed the walkways around the planting beds.

The fertile soil filled the beds.

No one was spared from the manual work, even the principal of the elementary school.

How neat the new garden looks.

The plants all found their spots.

The garden started looking like one compared to before. 

And from the other side.

Ronaldo was tired, ready to go home and rest. 

He wanted a picture of him with his two other friends. I just felt a deep connection with these young fellows. I wonder if they volunteered their time or earned some money, either way is just perfect.