Monday, August 10, 2009

Reno by Night

Both nights we spent in Reno fell with unbelievably dramatic sunsets.

This building reminded me the Matrix movie.

Here is a small casino with a cleverly attractive name. Money can be borrowed conveniently. The man in the wheelchair was placed in the frame perfectly.

A juxtaposition of casino lights, entertainment and patriotism.

People looked hypnotized by the illumination. Check the reflections on the guy's glasses. I was tempted to replace them with $ signs.

Doom and gloom. Huge stratocumulus clouds covering the whole city was a good ending to my "Sin City" theme.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Reno by Day

West Valley College Photography Department coordinates several field trips to different destinations year round. These trips are incredibly popular; once a photographer goes on one of these excursions, it is most probable that he/she will come back again. I am one of the most religious followers.

Summer of 2009 the trip was to Reno. The assignment was to capture juxtapositions and/or contradictions. Reno is no short of either. My take was the difference between day and night.

Reno was empty, spic-and-span clean in the morning. Street cleaners removed the empty drink bottles and cups left on the streets or corners first thing in the morning.

The casinos looked sober and deserted.

This alley view brings the old and the new together. I heard that the "Old Reno" was closed recently. The yellow building seems to be a brand new condominium complex.

Another view of the same alley.

Our fellow photographers embraced the few colorful characters who were the only ones around early in the morning.

As the day went by, buses full of hopeful people came to the town.