Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fallen Tree

Two days ago a big oak tree toppled down in our yard. It was quite shocking to see it in the morning. Now and then I hear it happening around, but not to us!

People close to me know that I have "a thing" for trees. They make me all sappy for some reason. I remember, once, I begged a close friend of mine so they wouldn't cut the pine tree in the middle of their front lawn. The tree was gone soon after and quite probably her husband was annoyed with me for getting into their business.

Eda got all excited; "Mom, we need to take pictures of the tree! Can I go on it?" Yes, of course we needed to take pictures. Here are some of them. It turned out to be Eda's fun session on the tree. She added quite a bit interest to it, who cares about pictures of a fallen tree alone after all?

Eda is coming after me after taking some inappropriate pictures of her :)

Tree had to go, it left no room to maneuver the cars around. I touched the green moss on the trunk, broke off some of the fresh buds, crumbled them between my fingers, called the gardener and bargained over the cost. I loved that tree, its leaves were unprickly.


Anonymous said...

EWW. These are repulsive.

Sevtap Agabay-Isik said...

Dear Anonymous, I know who you are! Please stop insulting my photography. Love!

Naz Isik said...

I didn't know about this....