Monday, March 17, 2008

Chinese New Year Parade - 2008, San Francisco. - 2 of 2

I am a mother more than anything else. Now that my daughters are both grown into young adults, you would think I am done with all that children stuff, right? No, I am not.

Follow the children around, you'll soon find me there for sure. That's exactly what happened at the Chinese New Year Parade. I just could not take my eyes off of the kids. Kids that are all made up, wet in clear ponchos, excited, laughing, playing, and joking around in spite of the rain.

I have so many of these photographs, I wanted to share at least some of them. I know this is not exactly street photography, I know cute kids are the most common subjects, I know no one cares about random kids' pictures. But I am not no one and I do care. Some warmness fills my heart when I look at them. And hey, these are pretty decent photographs after all.

Canon 5D, Canon 70-200 L/2.8, ISO 1600, 1/100sec.

If you want to see more check this link.

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