Monday, March 17, 2008

Spring 2008

One of the best things about our house is, it has a large yard and many different types of vegetation around. Pines, oaks, weeds, poison oak and many more that I cannot name. Green is happened to be my favorite color and spring is the best time for green. I watch the new growth day by day, enjoy the change in the tones tremendously.

Every camera owner knows that it is very hard to resist photographing pretty stuff, for example flowers. We shove our cameras as close as possible (meaning the closest distance the camera is still able to focus) to the pretty thing and click away. Voila, you have a pretty picture, it is hard to go wrong.

So naturally, every spring, I do my part as a loyal member of photographers circle and photograph a thing or two. Of course I don't settle for a common gerber daisy or a rose or an orchid. Instead, being my creative self, I pick the tiniest weeds or buds. I turn them back and forth, up and down and finally see some (otherwise trivial) tiny prettiness. I suspect my dear engineer friends would find all this effort spent on creating an image with no obvious purpose pointless and strange, but it is alright. It makes me happy after all.

Here is my Spring 2008 Collection!

Canon 5D, Canon 100mm/2.8 macro lens, window light.

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